Selasa, 25 Oktober 2016


I sit in the unenviable position of possessing Android devices and working with Macs, this means I have trouble connecting wirelessly to a mac network without being connected to a router or so forth.
This means if i want to use my device at a gig i have to either rely on the clubs wifi, take a router, or use a 3g connection none of which i’m that fond of.
But thanks to a little app,, I have figured a way to cheat the system, and i felt the need to share.
After downloading and installing to both device and mac, i connect the devices, through its own instruction, this creates an open garden network, but what we want is a wireless network so TouchOSC can see it…off to system prefs we go.

Within system preferences.
1st, check the connection in network preferences, there should be a green light next to opengarden.
2nd, navigate to sharing preferences, select but don’t toggle internet sharing button yet, choose to Share your connection from opengarden in the drop down menu and select the Wi-fi port option below. Then toggle the internet sharing button. your airport icon in your mac status bar should show an arrow up.
Return to your android device and in ‘wireless & networks’ settings you should see your Macs wifi connection, now you can connect directly to your macbook network without the need for the internet…Boo Yah!
now connect TouchOSC the normal way and have Fun!

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